Like all RSPCA Branches, we are a separately registered charity, responsible for raising our own funds to provide for the care and welfare of animals in our Branch area. Fundraising is vital to our ability to do this much needed work. If you wish to assist us with a donation, there are several options available:
- Send a one-off donation via Sum Up or bank transfer to RSPCA Furness and Barrow Branch 40-09-14, 41052454.
- Send a cheque made out to the ‘RSPCA Furness and Barrow Branch’ to: RSPCA Advice Centre, 106 Church Street, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, LA14 2HJ
- Leave us a gift. You can leave us a legacy in your will in three different ways. The legacy must specify that the gift is for the ‘RSPCA Furness and Barrow Branch’ and include our Reg. Charity No. 232247:
a) Residuary Legacy – Where a percentage of your estate is left as a gift.
b) Pecuniary Legacies – Where a specific amount of money is left as a gift.
c) Specific Legacies – Where a valuable item is left as a gift. This can include property, furniture, stocks & shares or jewellery.
- Easy Fundraising: This is a really easy way to raise funds for our Branch when you shop online. Just register here and choose RSPCA Furness and Barrow Branch as your chosen charity. Every time you shop online through their website with a participating retailer, a percentage of the purchase price will be donated to our Branch. Many retailers are registered with them such as Amazon, Currys, PC World, and Marks and Spencer.
- Attend an organised fundraising event: The RSPCA Furness and Barrow branch hold regular fundraising events which will be advertised online and on our Facebook page. Please come along, take part and help us raise funds for the branch.
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